Monday, July 10, 2017

Loving Summertime

We have been loving this hot summer weather! The other day we spent the afternoon at the pool and then we all went out for some yummy gelato as a special treat. It was a day well spent!

Daddy got the boys some Pez candy, we remember having that kind of candy when we were kids.

This past weekend we enjoyed spending time with Uncle Jeff and cousin Susie. We played some Catan games and Asa enjoyed building Legos with Susie.

The boys caught some baby turtles and frogs in the pond!

They were just a little excited!


This girl. She thinks she is such a big girl now. She likes to ride on the big kid swings and she tries to pump her legs like her big brothers. I still cannot believe she already climbed out of her crib at 19 months old!

Happy girl!

Asa loves to swing!

Eating lunch together.

Don't you just want to snuggle him?

Yesterday evening we took my parents out for a double date to the Melting Pot Fondue restaurant in Minneapolis. They are such a blessing to us and we wanted to bless them. We had a great time of good conversation and delicious food. Auntie Karen and Auntie Kristi babysat for us so that we could take them out!

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