Saturday, May 19, 2018

Mid May

Yesterday morning Eli lost his other front tooth! We know what he wants for Christmas this year! They all grow so fast. Eli is so happy that it is out because now it is much easier for him to eat.

The kids love playing outside. It has been so warm out! They caught a baby toad the other day.

The kids absolutely love riding along in the riding lawn mover with Daddy. Greta even fell sleep on Daddy yesterday afternoon!

This was one of the strangest experiences for us. We found a baby squirrel in our yard and he came right up to Eli and sat in his lap! It wanted to hang out with us like a kitten. It even ran up Eli's shirt and snuggled with him! Of course he loved it. Finally, I carried him to an oak tree and he ran right up.

Playing at the park with Daddy.

Lego time

For about two weeks Greta has been wearing her superhero cape everyday, she is usually in her pink tutu as well. She tells me, "Mama I am super, I can fly!" "I am super Greta!" I love her imagination and that she is wearing her brother's swim googles.

Asa loves to color.

He works so hard!

Eli found a tree frog! He can seriously find anything.

Brian and I enjoyed a fun date night to the Infinity War Movie. Thank you Auntie Kristi!

Eli's school work on display in the school hallway. His handwriting is improving! 

On Wednesday I went on a field trip with Eli and his kindergarten class to the MN Zoo for the day! It was hot, 86 degrees for a high, yet all of the kids did awesome! It was fun to be able to see the entire zoo with Eli and his friends.

A much needed water break!

Here I am with Eli's teacher, Mrs. Christianson, and Heather, Eli's friend Luke's Mom

They are the sweetest boys! I love that Eli still likes to hold my hand. He wanted to hold my hand a good portion of the day and some of his friends wanted to hold my hand too!

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