Sunday, November 22, 2020

Happy 5th Birthday to our Greta!

Happy 5th birthday to our beautiful Greta! How is our baby girl already 5 years old?! Greta is beautiful inside and out. She is independent, loving, she enjoys tea parties with her dolls and stuffed animal kitties, she loves creating artwork, and she gives the best hugs. We love you Greta and we are so thankful that God blessed us with you for a sweet daughter!

We had a princess themed birthday party for her with family. She loved her princess cake!  Dad, Mom, Eli, Asa, Papa, Karen, Kristi, and Ben were able to make it to her birthday party. We are excited to see Uncle David this week! Grandpa, Grandma, and Uncle Jason were able to watch Greta open the presents they mailed to her digitally through Zoom. 

Greta received many sweet gifts for her birthday. She received: a doll tea party set and doll clothes, Elsa dress up dress, many books to read, kinetic sand, Elsa doll, stuffed animal unicorn, hatch animal set, cards and checks, Aurora Lego set, gold necklace with a G on it, dress up play jewelry, kitty puzzle, play jewelry bead set, matching dress and pajamas with her doll, and a large art set. 

At Greta's 5 year old well child doctor visit she now weighs 39 pounds, which puts her in the 36 percentile for weight. She is 44 inches tall now, which puts her in the 66 percentile for height. She is a tall little lady! 

We had fun interviewing Greta for her birthday! Brian will work on her video and 
I will post to the blog soon.

Greta was excited to get these cards and birthday check in the mail from Great Nana!

Grandma mailed her a kitty coloring book and this book. 

Another picture of her cards from Great Nana, she was so excited.

Greta and I enjoying a tea party with her dolls!

Greta got some matching pajamas for her and her special doll from Nana.

I love this picture of her looking at a book, so sweet.

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