Tuesday, May 26, 2020

We love the month of May

We have been loving the warmer weather in May. The other day Brian took the boys river fishing along the Mississippi River and they caught some huge carp!

Brian and the kids wanted to make a popsicle stick house for their toads.

 Looks good!

For months we have been doing Friday night Zoom calls with our closest couple friends, the Longs, Vests, and Wellmans. We are happy that we can now get together in person with our families again!

The weekend before we visited Papa and Karen for dinner. I found my old Pretty Pretty Princess game and Greta loves to play it!

The boys enjoy playing their Power Up Mario card game.

The kids favorite pastime is finding creatures in our yard. They found a baby turtle.


Thankful for all of our quality time as a family.

Dad sent us this beautiful picture of the blossom tree that Amy Rostad gave to Dad in honor of Mom.

Last summer Uncle Jeff made some benches out of some wood that Dad had in honor of Mom. He gave me one and we put in by our pond. I ordered a plaque to put on the bench and I ordered one for Dad to put on his bench. It is a beautiful place to sit and remember all of my amazing times with my Mom.

Last week the kids and their neighbor friends came across this baby owl in our yard. He had a hurt wing most likely from falling out of his nest on the windy day. Angela and I drove him to the raptor center in St. Paul where they will help him out. He sure is a cute guy!

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