Saturday, February 15, 2020

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day! The kids and I enjoyed making peanut butter blossom cookies to celebrate together. They had a Valentine's Day party at our Jubilee school Co-op on Thursday and they loved passing out and getting valentines and candy. I remember doing that in elementary school and loving it too.

We gave the boys the game Trekking the National Parks, it isa strategy game and it is really fun! Greta got a dress up Rapunzel dress. All of the kids received a puzzle based on their level of difficulty. 

So pretty! Greta loves to dress up.

Brian and the boys surprised me with this gorgeous orchid. 

On Valentine's Day we got a sitter and went out for lunch at the Melting Pot restaurant. It was a delightful time together. 

Our friends from Jubilee invited us to a free karate class that meets on Tuesday evenings. The kids enjoyed it! Brian even got in on the learning action! We will be going back.

My dear friend Tracy came over to help me make elderberry syrup. We have been close friends for 23 years! I am thankful for her faithful friendship.

Friends from Jubilee!

Greta loves her stuffed animals and needs to say goodnight to each one.

 We have a new favorite game! 

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