Wednesday, February 26, 2020

End of February

We had fun teaching Papa how to play the board game Trekking the National Parks. We are excited to take the kids to some National Parks soon!

Greta likes wearing this dress that I wore as a girl.

The boys bought us some pretty flowers for our school room.

Last week Eli was the star of the week! We enjoyed celebrating Eli and telling him what we love about him. 

The kids have been loving the karate class on Tuesday nights.

Tomorrow we have our Northern Lights Co-op classes and Valentine's party. Greta and the boys helped cut out the Valentine's for their friends. We leave for our Florida road trip tomorrow after 
Co-op! We are all so excited!!

The kids having fun playing with toys at Papa's house.

It was a treat to see Uncle Dave when he visited last week!

Last Friday Greta and I met up with our friends Gina and Kyla at the Como Zoo. Gina and I used to work together as school counselors years ago. Now we both have two sons and a daughter. I am glad that we have stayed in touch.

Kids and baby bunnies are the cutest! Our friends had us over for a yummy fish fry and to meet their baby bunnies.

Last Saturday Kristi had her last wedding dress fitting and we went out for a bridesmaids brunch! She gets married in less than two months! We are so excited for her!

Love my Greta girl

Greta was so happy to get a bunch of cards from her best friend Sienna!

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day! The kids and I enjoyed making peanut butter blossom cookies to celebrate together. They had a Valentine's Day party at our Jubilee school Co-op on Thursday and they loved passing out and getting valentines and candy. I remember doing that in elementary school and loving it too.

We gave the boys the game Trekking the National Parks, it isa strategy game and it is really fun! Greta got a dress up Rapunzel dress. All of the kids received a puzzle based on their level of difficulty. 

So pretty! Greta loves to dress up.

Brian and the boys surprised me with this gorgeous orchid. 

On Valentine's Day we got a sitter and went out for lunch at the Melting Pot restaurant. It was a delightful time together. 

Our friends from Jubilee invited us to a free karate class that meets on Tuesday evenings. The kids enjoyed it! Brian even got in on the learning action! We will be going back.

My dear friend Tracy came over to help me make elderberry syrup. We have been close friends for 23 years! I am thankful for her faithful friendship.

Friends from Jubilee!

Greta loves her stuffed animals and needs to say goodnight to each one.

 We have a new favorite game! 

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Mid February Happenings

Asa has really taken off with reading lately. The other day I caught him reading to himself for an hour. We are proud of him!

Asa loves his Tiggys!

Last Friday all of the kids had their dental cleanings and they did great! It is not every day that Darth Vader cleans your teeth!

Last Saturday we had a fun night! Greta and Daddy went to their first Daddy Daughter Ball and had a wonderful time dancing together. I had a Mother Son date with my boys of dinner out and we played many games of Mexican Train Dominos. I love our family.

The other night Greta and I were praying for all of our family members by name before bed. She said, "Mom you have to always pray for Nana because Nana is the best." I said that Nana is with Jesus, yet of course we can still pray for her. We love and miss Nana everyday and we know that we will see her again. Greta made the little heart craft during her Daddy Daughter Ball. In Greta's bedroom we have this framed picture of her and Nana that was taken a year ago when she came to see her dance ballet. Nana also gave her the little ballerina doll next to it. 

Brian and I are starting an associate photography business called Wild Trail Studio. We met with the photographers who will photograph weddings for us and we will manage the accounts. Brian will still be photographing weddings through Brian Bossany Photography, yet we want to have a way so that he does not have to always photograph so many weddings a year. It is a great team!

Greta is the Star of the Week! We went around the breakfast table and shared what we love about Greta. We went out to dinner yesterday at T-Box to celebrate her. We love our Greta girl!

I have been busy helping the kids get all of their valentines ready for their Valentine's Day party at our co-op on Thursday.