Thursday, January 30, 2020

End of January

Last week we had a blast taking the kids to see the beautiful Ice Castles in New Brighton. They were amazing and the ice slides were super fun!!

The other day Greta fell asleep on me. It does not happen very much anymore and I enjoyed it.

Greta and her special doll Beth

Asa likes brushing my hair and I love it!

It is sweet when Eli reads to Asa and Greta. Elephant and Piggie books are their favorite.

The other day Asa was brushing Greta's hair too, she loved it!

Greta enjoys her Thursday preschool class at our Co-op.

Brian and I enjoyed an afternoon lunch date together.

We are decorated for Valentine's Day!

We are thankful that the kids have awesome neighbor friends to play with every day!

Greta and the boys got to sample the lollipops I got for their Valentines party at the Co-op.

The boys love learning how to play basketball at the sport Co-op!

The boys play ball and Greta gets to play with friend Julia.

Dad came to watch the boys play last week!

We went out for lunch after sports Co-op and the kids got to pick out special cupcakes.

Greta and Julia reading in the love sack.

Last Saturday I had my friend Heather and her two kids over for a fun play date.

Last Sunday we stopped for lunch before visiting Grandma and Grandpa Bossany. The coffee was so yummy at the Farm Table Restaurant.

Asa and Greta playing The Goldbug game together.

Greta wanted me to take a picture of her with her lion all dressed up.

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