Happy birthday to our Greta! She is 2! Greta loves playing with her brothers, she adores her baby dolls, and she is our sweetheart. We are thankful that God blessed us with her for a daughter. We love you Greta!
I took Greta in for her well child doctor visit and she is tall and thin. She is 34.25 inches tall which puts her in the 69 percentile for height. She weighs 24 pounds which puts her in the 15th percentile for weight. She is a healthy sweet girl!
We celebrated Greta's birthday yesterday afternoon by giving her a My Little Pony themed birthday party with family. She had a blast! Dad, Mom, Eli, Asa, Papa, Nana, Grandpa, Grandma, Aunt Karen, Aunt Kristi, and Uncle Jeff were all able to come celebrate Greta. She loved having everyone sing happy birthday to her and opening all of her presents. Greta received a wooden play kitchen with play food, baby doll and wooden cradle, a Cinderella baby doll, My Little Ponies, My Little Pony pop up book, Frozen book, Cinderella book, Cinderella dress up dress, and dress up shoes. She loved her My Little Pony cake. It was a fun party!
I love my babies!
Greta is awesome at somersaults!
The brothers were so helpful with planning and preparing for Greta's party!
Love my birthday girl
Daddy and girl
Greta tried blowing up balloons
Showing Greta her birthday decorations
Asa resting with Uncle Jeff
Greta kept saying "two babies"
Fun kitchen!
Pure joy!
So cute!
On the way to church this morning she had to bring three of her baby dolls with her in the car!
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