Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Spring is Here!

We had so much fun playing in the backyard yesterday with no snow! Eli looked so cute tromping around in the rubber boots that Nana gave to him. It has been in the 50s and 60s and will be in the 70s tomorrow! It feels wonderful to be out in the sunshine again. 

Going for a walk through our neighborhood

Eli sees his shadow and is so happy to be outside

Asa looked so cute in his little bear outfit and loved watching big brother run around

Happy boy!

The last of the snow is melting

Sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy

Asa loved playing with my bootlaces

Asa and Daddy hanging out before bedtime

Asa enjoys pears!

Every Tuesday we meet up with Tracy, my best friend from high school, and her son Ben to go to Toddler Story Time at the library. We have a fun time hanging out with the boys and Nana comes over to watch Asa as he takes his morning nap. We love that the boys are so close in age. Ben is 3 and Eli is almost 2 1/2 now.

The librarian likes Eli and knows him by name. She is always saying that she thinks he will be a scientist because he is so curious and tries to figure out everything. Eli is always trying to look through the props she brings with her to story time and I am glad that she sees it as a positive! 

After Story Time there is craft time for the kids at the library. Eli is working hard on his craft. 

Today the theme was "Under the Sea" and the boys are making seahorses.

The finished product!

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