Thursday, April 24, 2014

April 2014

We are so thankful that spring is here! The boys are enjoying playing in our backyard and we have loved the sunshine! It has been rainy the past few days, but we do not mind one bit. We need the rain for green grass to grow and we are so happy there is no more snow to be found!

Brian had Good Friday off from work, it was fun to spend the day together as a family. It was the first time that Eli got to dye eggs. I did most of the egg dyeing portion, yet he did a great job decorating the eggs with stickers! 

So proud!

Asa is starting to get the hang of the Johnny Jump Up!

Little Twins Fan

Asa likes to play with balls like his big brother

Asa is getting close to crawling now. He is getting up on all fours and rocking back and forth. He is getting around by rolling and scooting on his belly. He wants to keep up with big brother so bad!

All ready to go to church as a family!

It was wear purple day for library story time. During story time Eli got up from my lap to stand closer to where the other kids were to see the story better. After a bit he backed up and sat in a different lady's lap across the room! It was so funny because he did not realize it was not my lap and thankfully the other lady did not mind, she laughed and smiled at me. Eventually Eli got up and saw I was across the room and came back calmly to me. The librarian noticed and thought it was the funniest thing. She came up to me afterward and said that Eli cracks her up every week. He is a funny kid. 

So smiley!

Nana took these cute pictures of the boys and I so that I could surprise Brian with them on his birthday, he loved it!

Birthday snuggles with Daddy after nap time. 

On Brian's birthday we celebrated as a family by going out to eat at Chick-fil-A, so Eli could play in the play area, then we enjoyed the cupcakes that I made for him.

Asa has learned to clap! It is so cute to see him clapping when I go in to pick him up from his nap because he is excited! 

Clapping, clapping so!

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