Wednesday, December 2, 2020

It Is Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas

It is beginning to look a lot like Christmas! We got our tree from a local tree farm and decorated it and our house for Christmas. We have been playing Christmas music. We love this time of year!


We started our advent readings this week. We all love to light our advent candles and do our reading. This year we are reading Bartholomew's Passage for our advent story along with our Jesse Tree readings each day. The kids love it and never want me to stop reading. 

Brian took a picture of calm Asa as I was reading and then an upset Asa as I was done reading the story of Bartholomew's Passage for the day. It usually leaves us on a cliff hanger and they never want us to stop for the day!

So pretty!

We continued our annual tradition of gingerbread house decorating! So fun!

We made gingerbread cookies! We are continuing Nana's Christmas tradition and using her delicious gingerbread cookie recipe. 

We had a fun play date at our friend's house. The kids had fun decorating sugar cookies with Julia, Logan, and Gavin. We are thankful for their sweet friendship.

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