Friday, September 11, 2020

September Happenings

We have had a great start to the school year and Brian has been busy with work again. 

The other day Greta came in the door like this, she is always playing make believe. She is usually pretending to be a cat or a dog.

We had our first day back at co-op yesterday! The kids were happy to be back with their friends. I help teach in Greta's preschool class for the first part and then get to be in my mom fellowship time for the second half.

The kids were so excited for co-op! Eli and Asa each get to take art, science, US history, and gym class. Greta loves her preschool class.

The kids latest artwork. Eli learned about how to draw a turtle in art class yesterday and Asa learned how to draw a seal. Greta is learning about rhyming words and she colored her jungle picture. They did great!

This past Tuesday for sports night with friends, Brian led all of the kids in games in our backyard. They had blast playing, "Mighty, Mighty, Scoop Noodle Challenge." Brian led games back when we were camp counselors, it was fun to see him in his camp element again. He had music blasting to add to the fun!

Asa lost 4 baby teeth on bottom in one month! He is excited to have two of his big teeth coming in. He has been getting a bunch of money from the tooth fairy!

Last Sunday through Tuesday we had a mini vacation up north! We spent the first day in Duluth and enjoyed going by Lake Superior and eating at our favorite restaurants Burrito Union and the Duluth Grill. Then we stayed the next two days and nights at a cabin in Moose Lake. We stayed by the Hanging Horn Lake and enjoyed lots of kayaking, fishing, hiking, a camp fire, and many card games. Eli beat us all in the card game Phase 10 and we played all 10 Phases! Greta and I enjoyed kayaking together for an hour and a half. It was so pretty. I am glad the boys caught some fish. It was a lovely time making memories together. 

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