Saturday, August 25, 2018

Family Camping at Spilt Rock Lighthouse

This past week we went camping as a family up at Split Rock Lighthouse on the north shore. We were blessed with beautiful, sunny weather the entire time. We enjoyed hiking at Gooseberry Falls, looking for agates, and swimming in Lake Superior. The water felt warm and it was very refreshing to swim! We loved our bonding time as a family.


The view from our campsite!

The stars were gorgeous!

On one of the days camping we started an annual tradition we are calling Family Day. I got the idea from Sally Clarkson's book, The Life Giving Home. We read Joshua 4:1-9 about Joshua and his men making a rock memorial to God in gratitude for all of the ways God has provided for us in the past year. We each took a turn saying a way that God provided for us this past year and I wrote each down in a notebook. We had the kids build a rock memorial as we each came up with a way that God provided for our family. It was an awesome experience. 

At the end of our camping experience we promised the kids we would stop in Beaver Bay to visit the Agate store. We all loved it and came home with some treasures. 

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