Saturday, June 9, 2018

Beginning of June

For Eli's kindergarten celebration he and his classmates made butterfly wings to fly on their way to first grade!

Greta is wearing a princess dress, though she thinks it is a ballerina dress. Ever since we let the kids watch clips from the movie The Greatest Showman, Greta has decided she wants to be a ballerina. She keeps saying mommy I want to be a ballerina and I want daddy to watch me, and Asa to watch me, and Eli to watch me, and mommy to watch me. When she is a bit older we will have to find a place for her to take ballet lessons.

Eli loves to climb trees in our yard.

The boys wanted me to take a picture of one of our families of geese in our yard.

Asa is our monkey man and he is always climbing! He is brave!

Asa relaxing by the campfire.

See what I mean! 

A couple of weeks ago we went to Stillwater on a very hot day. It was our first time visiting Teddy Bear Park. The kids loved it!

A campfire is their happy place.

Brian and I enjoyed a date night!

Last Sunday we enjoyed a campfire for most of the day! We started at 3pm and did not put it out until 10pm. We love living here! It felt like we were camping in our yard!

On Monday I got to visit my dear friend Jenny and meet her sweet baby Lily! I am thankful for her friendship.

Eli and Asa keep finding tree frogs!

I love all of our beautiful flowers! It has been a joy to see them pop up in our yard as this is our first spring in our new home.

A couple of weeks ago Eli went to his friend Sam's house to play after school and I took the younger two out for frozen yogurt!

They love each other!

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