Thursday, January 25, 2018

Winter Fun

Now that the temperatures have been in the 30s we have been enjoying winter time in our backyard. We got a large snowfall early this week and the snow has been perfect for us to get out and enjoy as a family. We have enjoyed shoe shoeing in our woods, sledding down our hill and at the park hill down the street, playing on our playground, and building snow forts with Dad.

The other day Brian was out shopping with Asa. Asa told Brian that he thought they should buy some flowers for Mom. He picked out these bright ones for me and he was so excited to surprise me with them! They really brighten up our home. I love that Asa is such a thoughtful boy.

Eli and Asa out building their snow fort with Dad. 

Eli and his friends at school playing a learning game with their third grade buddies.

The biggest snow fort they have ever made! They named it Fort Awesome.

Brian and I enjoyed a lunch date to T-Box, one of our favorite restaurants in the area.

Snow shoeing as a family in our back woods!

Greta picked out her clothes! She loves pink and all things girly!

This afternoon Greta got up from her nap early. I went into her room and she wanted me to hold her. She went back to sleep as I was rocking her for another half hour. I had plans to get caught up on laundry this afternoon. As I was rocking her, I realized that I need to slow down and enjoy these moments because they do not last forever. I cannot believe how fast my kids are growing, I want to cherish every moment. 

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