Monday, June 12, 2017

A Day at the Pool

On Saturday it was 92 degrees out and Brian was working a 12 hour day. I decided I would take the three kids to the pool by myself. It actually went really well! They did a good job staying next to me and they had fun going down the water slides. 

Eli loves his new independence by being able to go down the big water slide all by himself. Asa is such a friendly kid. He can make friends with anyone anywhere he goes whether it is the pool, Eli's baseball game, or church. At the pool Asa asked to join some boys and their Dad who were playing catch with a small ball in the water. They loved playing with Asa and they kept calling him "buddy". Asa is a buddy to everyone. They were also impressed with Asa and how well he can throw the ball and swim under water for being only three and a half years old.  Greta did well at the pool too. People were impressed with how well she can climb on the equipment to slide down the slides. People also commented on how she is cute and petite. I love being Mom to these three. 

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