Friday, May 12, 2017

Eli Started T-Ball and Other Family Adventures

Look at our handsome boy! He loves to play T-ball and he got to play first base on his first game. 

Our Asa is so fun!


Greta loved watching Eli play!

On Monday my friend Cole and I met up at the park with our kids. They have fun together!

Hazel loves to play with Greta

Matching with my mini!

Yesterday Greta dumped a big bag of popcorn all over the kitchen floor. I found Asa and Greta eating it off the floor. Asa was singing, "When a baby makes things different, try to make them fun!" The song is from Daniel Tiger. He said, "Mom this is fun!" I am glad one of us is having fun son.

Eli brought this home from school yesterday for me for Mother's Day. He also gave me a picture and some seeds for flowers. I laughed so hard I started crying after reading his responses! Seriously doing laundry for our family feels like a full time job! 

A heart picture from Eli

Brian also asked Asa the same questions. His answers also made me laugh until I cried! Apparently my favorite song is Fishing in the Dark according to the boys.

Yesterday we had fun taking Eli to his Kindergarten Round Up. Here the boys are playing with Luke and exploring the classroom. Luke was in Eli's preschool class this year. They are excited to be in Kindergarten together!

I think Eli looks like me in this picture.

Eli climbing on the school playground.

 I think this is a picture of Brian spraying Eli with the shot vac.

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