Sunday, May 28, 2017

Power Wheels Truck

A few days ago Brian and I surprised the kids with a Power Wheels truck! All three of them can ride together. They love riding around the yard! They even drove it to Bison Park. Fun times!

Friday, May 26, 2017

Greta is 18 Months Old!

Greta is 18 Months Old! She is an independent little girl that loves to keep up with her big brothers. She is a great climber and yet loves to play with her baby dolls. She is wearing another dress I wore when I was her age. It is so fun to hear her talk more! Greta is a delight.

We took Greta in for her 18 month well child check up and she looks healthy and strong. She is 32.5 inches tall, which puts her at the 73rd percentile for height. She weighs 20 pounds and 3.5 ounces, which puts her at the 18th percentile for weight. She is tall and skinny. 

This is Greta's favorite book. She enjoys looking at all of the colors.

Big smile!

Checking out her belly button.

Greta is so big!

I love this little man so much. Asa is a charmer.

Greta is wearing the beautiful dress that my Grandma wore when she was her age. My Grandma's Mother made the dress. All of Grandma's daughters and granddaughters have worn this dress. Now it is the great granddaughters turn! I remember before I had Greta, Grandma gave the dress to my Mom and said she thought I would need it. I think she knew I would have a girl. I am so glad I did!

Happy girl!

We love our big boy Eli.

Greta jumping in the trampoline!

My friend Sarah gave Greta a bee costume and I had to get some pictures of her in it!

My Mom got Greta an adorable lady bug costume! She loves to dress up!

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Eli Graduated from Pre-K

Eli graduated from Pre-K tonight! He had such an amazing year and he learned so much. He absolutely loved his teacher Miss Byron. He was asked during the program what he wants to be when he grows up and he said a Dad. Love it! We are excited for him to go into Kindergarten! 

Papa and Nana were able to come too!

Eli and his friend Luke will be in the same Kindergarten class next year too! They are excited!

This is Luke and his family. His mother Heather and I get along great.

Eli and his teacher Miss Bryon. She is such an amazing teacher and Eli grew so much this year. Eli asked if we would print this picture and then he wants to frame it in his room. He is sweet!

Yay Eli!