Friday, April 7, 2017

Early April

My Mom held onto my favorite doll, my My Child Doll whom I named Beth. I gave her to Greta to play with for the first time yesterday and it was so sweet to see Greta cuddle her and walk around with her. It is amazing to see the difference between girls and boys at such young ages. I am glad Greta can play with her too.

Greta may need some work on carrying the baby around though. Haha!

Asa and I had fun snap chatting yesterday! He makes a cute bunny.

Asa and I had fun playing his alphabet memory matching game yesterday.

I picked Eli up from preschool yesterday and took him out for a date at Caribou Coffee. He liked eating a huge tulip cookie.

Asa and Greta playing together.


Greta holding her doll before bedtime.

Eli's teacher emailed us some more cute pictures of him at school.

Yesterday Eli told me that they got to create a volcano and see it erupt outside!

Greta loves to ride her horse.

Last week I took Asa out for a special Mother and Son lunch.

Asa loves to give Greta hugs.

The boys outside in the hammock eating frozen yogurt bars.

Eli and his class all ready for their spring concert last week!

Last Saturday was a beautiful day. We had a great time spending the day at Papa and Nana's house. Nana rocked Greta to sleep and the rest of us went for a pretty hike with Papa in the woods.

Eli showing off his new Star Wars shoes!

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