Friday, January 6, 2017

Beginning of January

It has been so cold, but my kids keep me warm with their snuggles.

Last night Uncle Davy came over for dinner. The kids were so excited! The boys had fun "playing a mouse trap pretend game" with him in the playroom downstairs.

Greta has the biggest smiles and now we can see her teeth!

Uncle Davy reading to the boys at bedtime last night. I love how Asa is snuggling with him.

We got Eli's quarter 2 progress report this week. He is doing great! His teacher sent us this note. We are so proud of him!

Asa loves to finger paint!

The other day the boys and I enjoyed water color painting together.

Eli took these two pictures of Asa. I think he did a good job!

Eli was proud of the castle he made with the stick on blocks I played with when I was a girl.

I was staying warm with the two little ones yesterday while Eli was at school.

Here are some more pictures of David reading to the kids last night.

Eli loves to build.

Bath time bubbles!

They love each other.

Asa playing in his blanket fort.

Breakfast time!

This morning Brian took the boys to a trampoline park and met up with his friend Eric Vest and his kids. They had fun!

"Hey everybody! Daddy got me dressed today!" Bless his heart.

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