Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Mid November

 A week ago I had a fun girls night out with dear friends from my high school days! We went out to dinner at Betty Dangers restaurant in North East Minneapolis. 

Asa was so proud of the magnet rocket ship he made.

Eli and his class had a fun popcorn party last week. 

Eli working on pictures with his friends Daniel and Elizabelle.

The class making fall pictures.

Asa and Eli watercolor painting.

Eli taped all of the pictures he has made to his bedroom wall.

The other night Eli wanted to brush my hair before bed. It felt good, I remember my mom loved it when we would brush her hair.

Asa sleeping on the way over to Papa and Nana's house.

Eli likes the spider Auntie Karen gave to him for his birthday.

The boys had fun sledding at my parents last weekend!

Climbing on Daddy

Greta loves to look at books.

I cannot believe Greta will be one years old this weekend!

She is a joy!

Asa and I having fun with Snapchat filters!

Eli brought this home from school yesterday. So sweet!

All three dancing to music last night.

Eli's Thanksgiving party at school yesterday!

Yesterday I got to volunteer with other moms at Eli's school for their review Thanksgiving party. Eli was SO excited to have me there! We had a fun time.

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