Sunday, September 4, 2016

Early September

Asa enjoying the giant bear Daddy got him for his 3rd birthday.

We were heading out on a neighborhood walk as a family

Eli enjoyed watching the ducks on our walk.

Asa and Greta waiting for Eli to get home from school.

The boys were so happy they found a toad!

Eli had a special lunch with Daddy

Eli is loving school. He drew a picture of his teacher and gave it to her this past week.

Eli and Asa working on some stamp art. Eli will "play school" with Asa for hours at home. I love to listen in to what they are playing. The other day I heard them playing in their play fort in the basement. Eli said to Asa, "Do you know God made everything? And it is good? Do you know your letters? Do you know your numbers?" It was fun to hear what he is learning in school through his play. He would then say to Asa time for snack time, time for recess, time for rest time. It is so fun to see them pretending together. 

Sweet Greta hanging out.

Yesterday Auntie Karen and Auntie Kristi came over and watched the kids for us to we could go out on a lunch date. The kids were excited to have time with their aunties!

Eli's teacher Miss Byron took these pictures of Eli and us during his open house before school started.

Greta enjoys feeding herself. Here she is eating a spaghetti meal and loving it!

Asa showing me that he is now three! He is wearing his new spiderman sweatshirt

Asa and I made some fun sand castles together

Greta enjoying her bubble bath

Poor Greta. The other day I stepped out of the room and returned momentarily to find Asa putting stickers on her face! I thought it was kind of funny, though Greta did not agree with me.

Most of the time he is nice to her.

Eli loves to play with Greta too.

While Eli was at school, I took the younger two for a walk. They are so cute.

Asa and I playing his Paw Patrol memory game

Eli drew a picture of the family

We had a fun afternoon at Elm Creek Park last Wednesday

Cute picture of Asa

Happy Greta

Look no hands! Greta just turned 9 months and has learned to stand up by herself!

Asa said he was looking at the clouds

I love Greta's smile!

Eli's teacher gave us some pictures of him at school. He is the one in the red shirt.

He is sitting in the back in the red shirt. He said they were having snack and he was sitting next to the pretty girl he likes. Oh dear. 

Last week they learned about the letter A and the number 1. 

His teacher told me she loves having Eli in her class, she said he is a sweet and goofy boy. That is true!

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