Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Asa Turns 3!

Happy birthday to our Asa! You are 3! Asa is kind, imaginative, funny, energetic, and adventurous! Asa is always singing songs that he knows and some that he makes up on the spot. He is creative and it is fun to watch him play. Asa plays well with Eli and Greta. Asa loves to draw and work on art projects. He also loves to jump and do somersaults. He enjoys going to Kids Church on Sunday mornings. We are so happy God blessed us with you for a son. We love you! 

We took Asa in for his 3 year old well child doctor visit. He weighs 28 pounds, which puts him in the 13th percentile. He is 36 inches tall, which puts him in the 15th percentile. He is a healthy boy!

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