Monday, August 29, 2016

Greta is 9 Months Old!

Greta is already 9 months old! She is pulling herself up to standing onto anything she can get her hands on. She loves to feed herself and play with her brothers. Greta enjoys playing peek-a-boo and swinging on the baby swing in our backyard. She our sweetheart. Nana gave Greta this beautiful dress, I love it on her. 

We took Greta in for her 9 month well child doctor visit. She weighs 16 pounds 12 ounces, which put her in the 24th percentile. She is 28 inches tall, which puts her in the 59th percentile. She is a healthy baby girl!

Around the House

Here are some pictures Brian took of the kids.

Brian captured some fun pictures of the kids taking a bubble bath!

Brian took this picture of me while we were hanging out in the backyard the other night.

Brian took some sweet pictures of Greta wearing an outfit I wore as a baby.

Happy Asa!

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Paddle boarding Date

On Friday Brian and I went on a paddle boarding date thanks to our friends Jenny and Patrick Crowe who let us borrow their paddle board. We went on the lakes of Minneapolis and it was a beautiful day to go! The water was calm and it was peaceful to be out on the water together.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Eli's First Day of Pre-K

Eli had a great first day of Pre-K! His teacher said that he did well. We asked him how his day was and he said, "I played and played and played and I loved it! There are many pretty girls in my class." Oh dear! Eli seriously says the funniest things! We are glad he had a good first day.
The house seemed so different with him gone for 6 hours. Asa was my little buddy. I could tell he missed Eli, yet he loved getting a lot of extra attention from me. Asa and I did some coloring together, playing outside with Greta, and lots of hide and seek. We also went to the library. It was fun to pick Eli up from school as a family.

 This picture of Eli makes me happy. It is so him.

Asa 3rd Birthday Party!

Last Sunday afternoon we had a party to celebrate Asa's 3rd birthday with both sides of the family. Asa had a blast! We gave him a Paw Patrol themed birthday party. Asa got many fun birthday gifts. He got an art desk to have in his bedroom, many different art supplies, coloring books, books to read, a fireman dress up costume, Paw Patrol T-shirts, Paw Patrol hat, Paw Patrol toys, a LeapFrog learning LeapTop, ViewMaster 3D Viewer, and more. It was a fun day celebrating our sweet boy.

He was pretty happy

Paw Patrol birthday cake

Asa loved opening presents. He opened them quickly!

Auntie Karen showing Asa how to use the Viewfinder

Eli drew Asa a picture of Asa for his birthday. It was so sweet.

Asa was excited about his desk! Now he has one like Eli.

I love this picture of Greta

Blowing bubbles after the birthday party