Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Greta is 7 Months Old!

Our sweet Greta is 7 months old! She is a happy baby. She is on the petite side, just like I was as a baby. Greta is so close to crawling! She can move her body in a complete 360 circle. She is pivoting all over the place and so badly wants to crawl. She already wants to keep up with her brothers. Greta is eating many different vegetables and fruits. Her favorites so far are squash, avocados, and applesauce. Many people tell us that her smile is like a ray of sunshine. She brings us joy!

Love her!

End of June

We are loving summer! We are playing hard out in the sun at the pool and parks! 

Can you find the boys playing in their play house?

Greta enjoying the backyard

The other day Brian surprised me with some "just because I love you flowers". I love it when he surprises me.

She likes to stick our her tongue

She loves graham crackers

Naked baby!

Trying bananas

Hanging out together

Eli said, "I will push my brother on the swing." I love to watch them play together.

Avocados are yummy

Smiley Eli

Two guys being serious

Now silly, that is better!

Asa has a great smile

This guy is pretty great. He was gone all day Friday and Saturday photographing weddings. He knew that I was worn out taking care of our 3 kids ages 4 and under. He sent me to go to our local pool this afternoon to relax in the sun and read for a bit. It was just what I needed. God has blessed me with a thoughtful husband.

Snuggling and watching Paw Patrol, their favorite. Eli does have underwear on. 

Fun times on the trampoline!

More bubble beards!

 Greta and Daddy had fun on the trampoline too

Yesterday we took the kids to the MN Zoo. They did well and we had a fun time! We were all worn out on the way home. The boys fell asleep right away!

This little baby goat started to chew on Asa's shirt. Asa got so mad! He kept saying, "I am not food! Not at all! Mom I am done!" It was quite funny and it took me a few minutes to calm him back down. 

The boys especially enjoyed the new dinosaur exhibit at the zoo!

Eli having a blast

Fun times on scooter and tricycle.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

Strawberry Picking!

Tuesday evening we went strawberry picking at the Pine Tree Apple Orchard with our friends Steve and Karin. We all had a great time. The kids especially enjoyed eating the strawberries! Greta LOVED tasting strawberries for the first time. It was a fun evening!