Sunday, October 18, 2015

October Fun!

The boys playing together in their play fort

Eli said, "Mom take a picture of me and put it on the blog". 

The boys working hard to help Daddy rake leaves

As you can see, they filled up every bucket or container they had

Proud of their hard work

While Daddy was photographing an engagement shoot at Boom Island in Minneapolis, the boys and I had fun playing at the playground


The boys enjoyed cider favored popsicles at Papa and Nana's house

Eli hard at work on his leaf project

Asa enjoys playing in the fall leaves

The boys playing at Long Lake Park while Daddy photographed an engagement shoot

Brian and I had fun going to his cousin Sarah's wedding last week

Brian took a picture of our busy dinner time with good friends

The boys wanted to wear their cute fall sweaters

Happy boys

Eli's big block tower

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