Happy 4th birthday to our handsome Eli! You are such a smart, kind, funny, and outdoor loving boy! We are blessed to be your parents. We love you!
For Eli's birthday today we all went out for breakfast and then went to Skyzone, which is an indoor trampoline park. The boys loved it! Eli plays so well with Asa, it is fun to watch them interact with one another.
Eli loves to play outside, ride his new bike, he enjoys helping me cook, and he likes to be read to anytime. Happy birthday Eli!
We took Eli in for his 4 year old well child doctor visit. He now weighs 36 pounds and is in the 52nd percentile for weight. He now is 40 inches tall and is in the 50th percentile for height. He is a healthy big boy!
Eli's surprised face
Eli is so handsome, this is my favorite picture