Friday, November 14, 2014


Eli was so proud of his leaf project

Asa loved playing in the leaves

Eli loved the paw prints I made for him with Play-Doh

Eli doing an awesome job painting 

Asa's crazy hair before his haircut

Eli had an orange beard after eating grilled cheese and tomato soup for lunch

Eli loves to have Papa read stories to him

Shopping trip


Papa gave Asa a ride in his wheelbarrow, this is the same one that he gave rides to my siblings and I when we were young

Eli and I walking around in Papa and Nana's backyard

My birthday cake at Papa and Nana's house

Eli helped me blow out all 33 of my candles

Last night right after dinner Eli got up and starting dancing and singing "shake my booty" Asa thought it was hilarious! 

Daddy helped the boys make a box fort

We had a fun time going out on a double date with our friends Andrew and Joy from church at a Mexican restaurant. Brian was surprised by the size of his beer!

Eli enjoyed playing with our friends Michael and Angelia when they came to visit us

I found Eli curled up on top of the warm laundry in the dryer

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