Monday, March 10, 2014

Asa is 6 Months Old!

Our smiley Asa is 6 months old! He is sitting up very well, rolling across the room like a tumbleweed, sleeping on his belly, eating solid foods, and getting very talkative. Asa is making mama  and baba sounds. It is cute to here him make noise! Brian got a lot on video and he will be putting a 5 to 7 month video of Asa together soon. Asa is our little sunshine, he is laid back and very sweet.

We took Asa in for his 6 month well child doctor visit and he checked out perfectly healthy. He is in the 22nd percentile for height and 14th percentile for weight. His head circumference is in the 83rd percentile. Nana says that Asa is just like his Mommy when she was a baby. I had a big head and a skinny body! Asa will grow into his head, just like Mommy did. 

Brother Eli is giving a thumbs up to Asa for turning 6 months old!

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