Saturday, January 5, 2013

What Eli is Doing Now

At 14 months old Eli is practically running all over the place now. He loves pointing at everything and makes this little clicky sound as if to ask, "What is that?"Eli is very affectionate and loves to snuggle with us and gives us many kisses. He says Mamma, Dadda, Ba for ball, and Da for dog. He signs for more, milk, food, and cheese. Cheese is his favorite food! 

Playing in Daddy's guitar case

Playing in the ball pit he got for his birthday

Eating spaghetti and meatballs, Eli loved it!

Playing with his bath toys that he got from Auntie Karen and Auntie Kristi for Christmas

Eli adores books. He now will go pick out a book and bring it to us to read to him. He sits really well to listen to stories.

Eli is getting so good at building with blocks, he will do it for up to a half an hour at a time. 

Wearing his warm fleece outfit from Auntie Kristi.

Playing over at our friends Corey and Cheri's house. We love the carpet and would like to get one for him someday. 

What a handsome little boy!

We got Eli this little table and chairs set yesterday at Ikea. He really likes eating his snacks at his table like a big boy.

Eli is signing "more" for more Riz Crackers. 

We also got him the rug at Ikea for him to ride his little cars. 

He sure is a happy little guy! Auntie Karen gave him the outfit in the picture, it says "Cool like my Auntie." 

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