Saturday, October 13, 2012

Big Boy

Eli is continuing to grow big and strong. He is working on taking steps each day. He is now up to four steps in a row!

He loves sitting in this race car track that Grandpa and Grandma Meyer gave to him. Grandma says that he looks like Big Bird when he sits in his nest. He loves to race the cars on the track, though I think he likes sitting in it just as much.

Here he is trying to grab at the plant near his high chair, we have moved his high chair away from the plant. =)

Out enjoying the fall day at the park.

Eli loves to knock down towers and is getting pretty good at trying to put blocks in the shape sorter. 

Eating avocados and making a big mess!

Eli is so big!

Every Wednesday night we have small group Bible Study with our friends from church. Two of the other couples also have babies. We take turns watching the babies up stairs during the study. It was my turn to watch last Wednesday. It was fun to see Eli and Alieda play together. Alieda is 3 months younger than Eli. Pretty soon baby Ben will be able to play with them too, Ben is now 3 months old. Alieda followed Eli everywhere he went and tried to do what he was doing. We are thankful for our community from church.

Playing with his friend Alieda.

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