Sunday, September 16, 2012

Warm September

We have been enjoying the warm fall weather. We have gone on many hikes with Eli. He likes riding in the back pack carrier with Daddy on our hikes. Eli is continuing to love to swing at the parks.

Last night we had Grandpa and Grandma Meyer and Auntie Karen over for a campfire in our backyard. Eli loved the fire a bit too much. He kept trying to reach out to touch it. Grandpa put him accross the yard to see if he would crawl towards the campfire. He crawled so quickly that Grandpa had to quickly pick him up before him could reach the fire. He is a determined little guy. We were able to finally relax and enjoy the fire after Eli was safely in bed for the night. 

Eli loves his fire truck!

Playing guitar with Daddy.

I love this picture of Eli. He is looking at his animal bedtime book from Grandma Meyer.

Eli does a great job riding in the shopping cart at Target.

Relaxing in the hammock.

 Playing the piano.

Daddy and Eli sporting the new bibs from Grandma Bossany.

All ready to eat.

All ready to go for a walk with Mommy

Riding in the back pack carrier with Daddy. I remember riding in the back pack carrier with my Dad. I remember holding onto his earlobes as we would walk through the fall leaves. I think I was two or younger when I was in the back pack carrier, I think I have a memory like my Grandma Chaplin. 

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