Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Look Who is 6 Months Old!

Our Eli is now 6 months old and what a joy he is to us! He is such a smiley, happy baby. He has the sweetest laugh, which causes us to laugh with him. Eli loves to be outside enjoying God's creation. With the weather being so warm now, we are able to take him on many stroller rides to parks. He enjoys sitting on blankets outside and looking around at all there is to see. 

Eli is incredibly interactive and loves to play peek a boo! He is our little charmer. 

We took Eli to his 6 month well child doctor visit. He is now 27 and a half inches tall, which puts him in the 77th percentile. Eli weighs in at 18 pounds 12 ounces, putting him in the 66th percentile. His head circumference is 45 cm, which puts him in the 87th percentile. He is a healthy boy!

Having fun with Pooh Bear

Eli loves his baths, he enjoys watching the water as he splashes around. I think he will adore swimming like Mommy!

We think he will be getting some teeth soon. He chews on his chew toys quite a bit.

Eli is sitting on a blanket at Grandpa and Grandma Meyer's front yard. We thought the colors in these pictures were brilliant.

What a happy boy!

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