Monday, March 11, 2019

Mid March

We have been surviving through this especially snowy winter and we are hoping spring is on it's way.  We are excited for our upcoming spring break trip to Florida! Our friends Allen and Carol from the Connect Marriage Retreat, invited us to stay with them at their home in Florida. We are going to drive and we will be gone for 10 days. We are all looking forward to our adventure and warmer weather. 

Greta showing off her unicorn book and toy. She likes all things unicorn right now!

Daddy and Greta

Eli building with the same Lincoln Logs that I played with when I was a girl. I am glad my parents held on to so many of our toys.

I helped the kids put together The Presidents of the United States puzzle. 

Eli rocked his spelling test and even got all four of the challenge words correct! He was so proud. It has been fun to see how his handwriting has greatly improved this year.

The boys have been into taking pictures of each other with our cameras. Eli took these of Asa, they look good!

I love my sweet Asa! He has learned to read this year. He has been so motivated to read like Eli, he has been so easy to teach. I love to have him read to me and he is not even in Kindergarten yet!

Once again the boys taking pictures together.

Here are some pictures of Asa working hard at pre-school.

Greta has been into the movie "Frozen" lately. She loves to pretend that she is Elsa and she sings, "Let it go!"

Greta loves her baths!

The kids enjoy taking on Dad in their Nerf gun wars!

Saturday, March 2, 2019

Early March

President's Day weekend we enjoyed a fun adventure as a family at the Great Wolf Lodge Waterpark in Bloomington. The kids wore us out and we all had a blast in the water!

Ready to hit the pool!

Asa busy learning at pre-school.

Asa playing Tic Tac Toe with his friend at school.

Asa and his friends trying different fruits to show emotions on their faces.

The class is learning about the Armor of God and they made their belts of truth yesterday at school.

Our neighbors were out of town a few weeks ago and we went over a few times to let out their puppy Bear. The kids liked playing with him.

Asa and Greta put together the new puzzles that Papa and Nana gave them for Valentine's Day.

They also made some stamp art.

I love this pretty picture of Greta that Brian captured of her. She loves to dance!

We hit a record for snowfall for the month of February. The kids have enjoyed playing in it, yet we are hoping that spring will come soon to Minnesota.