Saturday, February 16, 2019

Happy Valentine's Day!

We enjoyed celebrating Valentine's Day this week! Brian and I went out for a lunch date on Valentine's Day. This was our 16th one together, so fun!

We love our three sweet Valentines. 

The kids were thrilled to open up their Valentine's presents and the boys enjoyed their Valentine's parties at school.

Greta got a beautiful unicorn dress!

The boys each received some Legos. 

Greta and her dolly got some matching pajamas! 

Asa is working hard to make his valentines box at school.

Back in December Dad went as a chaperone with Eli and his class to the Works Museum! We want to go there as a family sometime soon. Eli loves to build with K'nex. 

All of the kids got to make their own catapults!

The boys enjoying a hike with Daddy and Papa in Papa and Nana's backyard.

Greta finished up her ballet session today! She loved it and we will do more next fall. 

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Beginning of February

We have been getting lots of snow and we all enjoyed making a snowman together!

The kids like to play the game Sequence along with other board games. 

Close up!

Last weekend Greta and Mommy had a shopping and lunch date at Carols Kitchen.

She got to pick out a unicorn dress at Marshals for Valentine's Day. Greta helped me buy gifts for the boys too.

This past week Eli got all of his spelling words correct and the four challenge words! We are proud of our boy!

The other night we enjoyed a beautiful sunset from our bedroom window.

Asa and his class went on a field trip to the Ramsey Library.

Daddy got an awesome picture of the boys with their Nerf guns.

Eli and his class celebrated the 100th day of school this past Friday. They got to make special shirts with 100 tally marks on them and participate in many fun activities for the 100th day. This is a picture of Eli and his friend Luke counting and making bracelets. 

Daddy took a pretty serious picture of Greta. Love her.

Eli's penguin and fish math project.

Greta having a fun playdate with Sienna.

Eli and his panda bear picture he is working on in art class.

We taught the boys how to play Yahtzee. Asa played a game where he got 5 Yahtzees for a score of 687! Wow!! We have never gotten close to a score that high!

Daddy drew a panda bear too!

The kids had a great dental visit. No cavities! 

The kids being themselves.

Greta loves to write her letters.

Greta and Sienna are buddies!

Eli loves to create with K'NEX 

Asa concentrating on an intense game of Battleship.

Asa made a card tower.

We all enjoyed a dinner with the Wilcox and Schussman families. 

Asa and all of his Tiggys! 

Eli and his card tower!

Greta can do the splits!

Daddy and Eli enjoyed a lunch date!