Monday, October 30, 2017

Eli Turns 6!

We had a fabulous time celebrating Eli with a Star Wars birthday party at my parents house yesterday afternoon. It was fun for him to celebrate with family! Nana and I enjoyed decorating his birthday cake. Eli loved knocking out all of the candy from his piƱata. Brian and I had a special time visiting Eli for his birthday today during lunch time. We got the opportunity to read to his class in honor of his birthday and help him pass out cupcakes to the class. Eli's classmates and teachers each drew a picture of Eli and said what they liked about him. It was so sweet as his teacher read the responses to the class! Eli was so happy. He told everyone, "My Dad and Mom are here!" His teacher said, you guys are the fun parents! 

Eli received many amazing gifts for his birthday. Eli got Star Wars Legos, Captain America Legos, Star Wars books, Avengers book, Solar System puzzle, Light Saber, Stars Wars Nerf Gun, bubble bath and bath paints, many art supplies, Thunder Tracks remote control car, Dinosaur Egg Digging Kit, and a special birthday shirt.

Happy 6th birthday to our Eli! Eli loves exploring the outdoors, he is kind, funny, hard working, and loves all creatures. It feels like yesterday Brian and I were terrified bringing him home from the hospital. By the grace of God, we figured out how to care for a newborn.  We are thankful God blessed us with you for a son!

We took Eli in for his 6 year old well child check up. He is 45 pounds, which puts him in the 45th percentile for weight. He is 45. 25 inches tall, which puts him in the 45th percentile for height. I could not believe all of the 45s and how even he is! He is a healthy boy!

Eli's special birthday shirt!

Kristi came over to babysit Asa and Greta so Brian and I could visit Eli at school. Both of the kids were napping, so Kristi did what she has always wanted to do-build magnet blocks without anyone knocking it over!
We came home to this, love it!