Friday, October 28, 2016

Eli's Special Week at School

This week at school Eli got to bring in cupcakes to celebrate his birthday with his class and he had a special Grandparents day program. Eli was SO excited to have Papa and Nana come to his special Grandparents day program. 

His classmates loved the cupcakes he brought in!

Clifford came and visited his class yesterday!

They studied Joseph and got to make coats of many colors!

I love this picture of Eli and his Grandparents.

Eli got to color and fill out a poster for his birthday!

He loved sharing it with the class

Eli was excited to share cupcakes for his birthday.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Greta is 11 Months Old!

Our Greta is 11 months old already! Last week she started taking steps and now she is walking across the room! It is so fun to watch. I will try and post some video of her walking soon. Greta adores her big brothers and loves it when they play with her. I just love her in this red dress my mom gave to her. She is our sweet girl.

Saturday, October 22, 2016

End of October

Eli's class earned a special treat for good behavior in music class.

Miss Byron and her class of elephants :)

Watching the show Survivor on our backyard hammock

A week ago Daddy went camping in the backyard with the boys. They had a blast! Brian took some great pictures, when I get them from him I will add them to the blog.

Greta loves to swing!

Asa showing me the little bug he found.

Greta likes to ride her toy just like her big brothers did.

Asa and Daddy made a pumpkin man together

We went on a neighborhood walk the other evening.

Eli and his classmates making letters with Play-Doh

Our living room usually looks like this, they love to make forts with the couch cushions

Eli and Asa working hard on their leaf projects

Family dance party

Asa loves to pretend. Today he told me he is Batman and that I need to call him Batman not Asa today.

Yesterday was a beautiful, sunny fall day. I love this family picture Brian took of us playing at Bunker Hills Park.

Greta's Dedication to God

This past Sunday we dedicated Greta to God at our church. We were blessed to be supported by our families and our community of friends. It was sweet to share the dedication with our good friends Erik and Angela Wellman as they also dedicated their son Nels who is the same age as Greta. My kindergarten teacher Donna Kuhn and her husband Roger are leaders in the church and they prayed with us which was extra special for me. Greta wore the same dedication dress that my mom and I both wore when we were dedicated as babies. My mom said Greta looked like a little angel and I could not agree more. It was a special day for us. It is our prayer that all of our children will grow up to love and serve Jesus. We will be getting a group picture of the family back from the church soon and I will post that picture when I receive it.

Friday, October 14, 2016

Mid September

The kids enjoying a picnic snack.

Eli and his classmates painting donuts when they were studying the letter D.

A police officer and a nurse visited Eli's classroom. 

Eli and Asa made a trap in our house. They left some food in hopes of catching a rat. After they went to bed I quickly threw the food away, I was afraid they really would catch a rat!

Greta enjoying her scrambled eggs.

Brian and the boys watching the Vikings football game. The Vikings have won their first 5 games!

Greta is a good eater and loves to feed herself. She dislikes being feed with a spoon. I made chili and cornbread for dinner the other night and she loved it! She got a bath afterward.

Asa having fun playing with shaving cream.

Asa and Greta enjoy playing together. 

Asa loves to take selfies with me. I love my sweet boy.

Love her smile

We found some more pictures from when we visited Kristi's horse

So the other night we went to check on the boys before we went to bed and saw that Eli crawled into bed with Asa. So sweet!

The boys were so excited to roast hotdogs with Daddy over the fire.

Eli showing off the new robe Papa and Nana gave to him.

Eli showing off his backpack after school.

Asa loves Daddy to swing him around.

All three kids in the bath!

We found some more pictures from our trip to Duluth.

I love this picture of Daddy and Greta.

Snuggling my Asa

We found some more pictures from the pumpkin patch.

Our front steps look festive!

Yesterday we had fun with the Brookins at the Anoka Farm Pumpkin Patch. The kids loved going down the big slide and going on the hayride.