Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Bossany Family 2016

Yesterday we decided to take some updated family pictures. I think they turned out great! Now we can get some new prints for our living room! I love my family!

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Greta 7 Months

Brian took some pretty pictures of Greta the other day. Asa joined in the fun. As of this week Greta has learned to crawl! The boys are very excited about it!

Big blue eyes

Big grins

This pose just cracks me up! She did this all on her own! 

Asa giving Greta a kiss

Asa is such a happy boy!

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Happy 4th of July!

Yesterday we had a relaxing day celebrating the 4th of July at Papa and Nana's house. Brian set off some fireworks and the kids loved them! The boys had fun riding in the canoe and catching seven frogs. They also enjoyed riding around on their scooter and tricycle. After dinner we finished off the evening with a campfire. Greta liked watching the fire too!
It was a great day!

The fireworks looked a bit more exciting in person. :)

Watching the fireworks

Eli was pretty excited about the fireworks

Nana went on the scooter too.

Asa was thrilled Papa and Nana had Cheetos!

Happy 4th of July!

Greta's first 4th of July

We think Greta is working on her bottom teeth because she has been making this funny face.

The boys love fires!

We finally got Eli to wear a life jacket in the canoe. Brian told him is was a bullet proof vest. He likes it now!

It was a beautiful day!

Beginning of July

Last Thursday was a busy day for us. We had new carpet installed throughout our house. Brian needed to stay back home to work and man the house as the carpet was being installed. Nana came with the kids and I to the Children's Museum while it was being installed. We had a fun time and the kids did well.

Asa insisted on having Tiggy strapped into his carseat with him. So cute!

Listening to a story 

Asa the turtle

Watching the fish and turtles being fed

Greta even go to get done and explore

We will have to get more pictures later, here is a quick picture of our new carpet! It is so clean!

On Saturday, my neighbor Ann, invited the kids and I over and she gave us lots of toys and puzzles her older kids had outgrown. The boys have enjoyed playing with them!

Auntie Karen came over that evening to help me give all of the kids baths while Brian was photographing a wedding. It was so great to have her over!

Asa in his robe

Time with auntie

Eli on his scooter

Eli climbing high up in a tree

Asa and Tiggy again

The other day Brian took the boys to get their summer haircuts.

Sleeping so sweet

Exploring with Daddy