Monday, June 30, 2014

Asa is 10 Months Old!

Our Asa is 10 months old! He is truly a happy little man! Asa is a speedy crawler and enjoys pulling himself up on anything he can get his hands on. He is starting to cruise around furniture and likes to try to keep up with big brother Eli. Asa has a good appetite and loves to feed himself finger foods. He is also a pro at drinking out of a sippy cup. He recently sprouted his first two bottom teeth!
We love our big boy!

What a great big smile!

Saturday, June 21, 2014


We are loving summertime! We have been spending our days playing in the backyard, swimming at the Anoka Aquatic Center, and riding our bikes to local parks. Bring on the sunshine!

Asa is teething and is making the same old man face that Eli made when he was first teething

Brothers first bath together!

My sweet boy!

My sweet baby!

Big muscles!

Our good friend Stacy from Duluth came and visited us this weekend. We had a great time!