Thursday, December 25, 2014

Christmas Cookie 2014

Merry Christmas!

We had such a special Christmas celebrating with both sides of the family. On Christmas Eve we went to my parents new house for a Christmas Eve brunch in the morning. Eli enjoyed walking in the backyard with Papa. In the afternoon, the Bossany side came over to our house to celebrate. We had a fun time opening presents, eating dinner together, and enjoying Christmas cookies. 

On Christmas day we went over to my parents house and celebrated with everyone. I love my parents new house! The view is beautiful and it is so peaceful. We had a great time opening presents, eating dinner, enjoying Christmas cookies, and looking at old family pictures through my dad's side show. It was a time filled with family, love, and freshly fallen snow. 

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Getting Ready For Christmas!

Today Eli and I had so much fun making Christmas sugar cookies together. It was so much easier than last year. It is amazing the difference a year makes! Love him!

Asa had lots of fun watching the cookie making process, next year he will be big enough to help too!

After dinner we enjoyed driving around and looking at all of the pretty Christmas lights. We got the boys matching pajamas to open early for Christmas. They look adorable!

Merry Christmas!

Ugly Sweater Party!

We had a blast hosting our Married For Life small group ugly sweater party a few weeks ago. We have loved leading the group every other Thursday evening with our friends Andy and Jess Nunez. We are taking a break for the holidays and we will be starting up the group again in mid January. It was such a fun evening and Brian set up his photo booth. We had lots of laughs!