Thursday, October 24, 2013

Asa is Two Months Old!

Our Asa is two months old! He is getting so strong and is able to lift his head up for awhile when he is laying on his belly. He is starting to lose his hair, I think he will be blonde like his brother. He is so cute and smiley! 

We took him in for his two month well child visit and he checked out great. He is now 23 1/4 inches tall, putting him in the 60 percentile for height. He now weighs 11 pounds 6 ounces, putting him in the 28 percentile for weight.

He is so adorable!

Getting so strong!

Big smile!

Tummy time is fun!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Eli's First Haircut!

Eli was getting pretty scruffy so we decided it was time for his first haircut. He thought it was ok because he got to have a sucker. The hair stylist gave us a little envelope to keep a lock of his hair. We are excited because it looks like he will still have some curl/wave to his hair. He did a great job and we think he looks very handsome!!

At first Eli was a bit nervous, but as soon as he was given the sucker he was calm as can be!

Look at how long his hair was getting to be!

Asa took a little nap while big brother got his hair cut

Eli loved playing with the chalk board after his new haircut

Our big boy did a great job!

Eli was excited to go out to eat for dinner at Panera Bread

What a handsome little almost 2 year old!

Look at those big eyes!

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Relaxing Sunday

We had a good Sunday. We went to church this morning and then spent the afternoon with Papa, Auntie Kristi, and Uncle David. Asa is two months old today! Eli and Asa had fun with family!

Saturday, October 19, 2013

My Boys

I love my two little boys who are changing and growing more each day! I look forward to the day when they will play and laugh together. I am so thankful for them!

My two month old little sweetie!

Eli loves to play with Play-Doh now. He will play with it for up to an hour!

Eli is gentle with his little brother

What a cute little cuddle bug!

Eli enjoys playing in the leaves in our backyard!

Asa is still not too fond of bath time. I am sure he will enjoy it more in the future!

Asa all tired out on our couch