Thursday, February 14, 2013

New Basketball Hoop

The other day Brian brought Eli home a little basketball hoop and basketball. Eli is getting to be a good shot! He loves to watch Dad and Mom shoot baskets and he enjoys making baskets himself. 

Playing with Daddy

He is a little sweetheart, my little Valentine 

Being silly with Daddy


He shoots, he scores!

Saturday, February 9, 2013

The Early Years

This picture was taken almost 11 years ago at Camp Wapo. Brian and I had started dating that summer working as camp counselors. We look so young! It is one of my favorite pictures of us. 

Friday, February 1, 2013

Eli 15 Months Old

Our little Eli is already 15 months old and is starting to really look like a toddler. Eli runs speedily around the house and loves to climb up the stairs. 

Eli eats most of the foods that we eat now. He loves peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, chicken, green beans, and macaroni and cheese.  He does a good job communicating to us through baby sign language and through some of the words he uses. He signs if he is hungry, wants more food, and if he is thirsty. 

He loves to say mama, dada, ball, and go. When he wants us to turn on some music, he goes by our radio and starts bouncing up and down. Eli is so affectionate and loves to give us many kisses. He is a joy!

We took him in for his 15 month old well child visit. He is 31.5 inches tall and in the 60th percentile. He weighs 24.5 pounds and is in the 50th percentile. He is a growing boy!