Saturday, January 28, 2012

Eli is 3 Months Old!

Our smily guy is 3 months old now and doing so much! He loves to sing along with us, lifts himself up high when on his tummy, and is getting great at holding onto objects.  He is getting bigger and bigger than Pooh Bear!

Tummy time! 

Playing Airplane with Daddy

Hanging out with Mommy

Family pictures! Eli started to get tired of all of the pictures, Mommy and Daddy had fun!

Eli started looking a bit sad after so many pictures, he pulled it together here for some beautiful pictures in his little warm outfit made my Grandma Bossany.

Our smily pumpkin!

Uncle David, Grandpa Meyer, and Grandma Meyer came over to spend some time with us and with Eli before Uncle David headed back to college at Steven's Point Wisconsin. Eli had a fun time riding horsey with Grandpa and snuggling with Grandma. Uncle David is getting more and more comfortable holding little Eli.

More play time with Daddy and Mommy

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Some More Recent Pictures of Eli

Fun with Eli

Eli is doing so well. He is almost sleeping through the night! Last night he slept for seven hours straight. We are so proud of him. He will be eleven weeks old tomorrow. He loves to be sung to and joins in the singing with many coos. 

Eli is practicing his tummy time. He does a great job lifting his head and looking to the right and to the left. 

Our smily little guy!

Eli hanging out with Dad in his front carrier.

Daddy reading to Eli. He enjoys stories!

Eli playing airplane with Daddy!

Bath time!

My little snuggle bug after a good bath!

Mommy and Eli rocked and sang many songs together. Mommy sang Eli to sleep. 

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Bossany Family Visit

Today we had a visit from the Bossany family. It was Eli's first time meeting his Uncle Steve, his Aunt Rosie, and his cousin Doyle. Eli was awake for the first part of the visit and then took his nap. 

Some more fun pictures of Eli with Mommy and Daddy.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Happy New Year!

Eli had his 2 month doctor appointment on Tuesday. He is a perfectly healthy little boy! He now weighs 13 lb 5 oz and is 23 and a half inches long. He has almost gained 5 pounds and has grown 3 inches since birth. 

Eli loves to swing in his swing. He takes many naps in his swing. The swing has a little mirror on it and Eli enjoys looking at the baby in the mirror!

Eli and Momma!

Eli is so big!

Eli enjoys riding in his front carrier!

Eli gets swaddled every night for bedtime.

Daddy and Mommy read to Eli every night before bedtime, as part of his bedtime routine. Eli enjoys being read to each night.

Grandpa Meyer, Grandma Meyer, and Aunt Karen babysat Eli on New Years Eve so Mommy and Daddy could go out on a date.