Thursday, December 27, 2012

Merry Christmas!

We had a very Merry Christmas with family. We started celebrating on Saturday with the Bossany clan. They came over to our house where we opened presents and ate a yummy dinner. Eli loved his Zoo Talkers toy from Grandpa and Grandma Bossany and Uncle Jason. 

On Sunday we went to church for our Christmas service; we sang many beautiful Christmas carols. Then the Meyer clan came over to our house for pizza and a time to hang out together. On Christmas Eve we went to my parents house to have Christmas Eve dinner and play some games. 

On Christmas morning Brian, Eli, and I celebrated together. We had fun watching Eli open his Christmas stocking and his Christmas presents. He liked the toy cars in his stocking, his Little Peoples Carnival set, Little Peoples Airport set, and his Knights and Castle. Then we went over to Grandpa and Grandma Meyer's house to celebrate with the family. Eli loved the electronic train set, sled, Little People's, red wagon, and music player from Grandpa and Grandma Meyer and Nana. He also loved the play fort that Grandma Meyer made for him. Eli liked the bath toys from Auntie Kristi and Auntie Karen. We had so much fun getting the whole family together!

All dressed up for Christmas Eve!

All tuckered out from all of the excitement and snuggling with his monkey.

Christmas morning at our house looking through his stocking.

Look at all of his toys from Mommy and Daddy!

Big boy unwrapping his gifts

Eli likes his cars!

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Getting Ready for Christmas!

It is beginning to look a lot like Christmas around our house. We have our Christmas tree up, stockings up above the fireplace, and the wreath my Uncle Jeff made for us outside our front door. 

We came back from the most beautiful Christmas service at our church today. There was singing and a special Christmas play all about the hope that Jesus brings. We were reminded that Jesus is the hope that we all need everyday. I loved singing and performing in Christmas plays at my church and school growing up. I am looking froward to when Eli will be able to sing and perform in Christmas plays too. 

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Early December

It is so fun to see Eli grow and learn more each day. He is now really into pointing at everything that interests him. He is such a joy!

Eli enjoys playing in the bath tub. I was playing a peek-a-boo game with him and he just loved it!

We had our first real snow fall for the season and we dressed Eli up in his new snowsuit that he got from Auntie Karen for his birthday.

All ready to play!

The snow was so deep that Eli could not walk, he did his best to crawl around in it.

Eli loved the snow!

Eli had fun watching the snow fall from our living room window. 

What a funny little guy!

I love his big blue eyes.

Playing the piano